Trigo philosophy: shift the dial
Trigo supports and empowers patients to take an active role in their own health to experience greater control and better outcomes. As a professional physiotherapist, Trigo can help you to shift the dial on patient care, by supporting and empowering them take greater responsibility for themselves.
The Trigo professional portal, Trigo Pro, has been designed to underpin the Trigo philosophy, to make it easier for you, the physiotherapist, to identify where interventions are required and use in-app chat and video consultation to follow up with your patients to encourage them to succeed.
The timing for digital healthcare is now. The pandemic necessitated the use of telehealth and research has demonstrated that there is broad acceptance and in some cases, preference, for telehealth, in addition to physical treatments
Trigo pro portal and Trigo app provide platform solutions to spend more time building good relationships with your patients, whether you choose face-to-face, in-app chat or video consultation, perhaps a combination is good? With Trigo, you can play a crucial role for your patients by being there when they need you and offering proactive care as the portal highlights patient behaviours that need your attention.
In the words of the hugely successful Norwegian soccer coach, Nils Arne Eggen: “You are not skilled if you cannot use your skill to make others skilled”. This is perhaps the case for physiotherapists to consider too. Use your skill to make your patients better at taking care of themselves. This means that you empower by guiding them when they need you by, for example:
- Help reduce uncertainty
- Asking questions for reflection
- Give good advice and knowledge when they need it
- Support good choices in everyday life
- Give a nudge when they need it
- Give them the experience of being “seen” outside the treatment room
Alexander M Satin et al: (Spine surgeon, private clinic, USA): Overall, 87.7% of patients reported that they were satisfied with their telemedicine visit with 70% reporting a score of 5 out of 5 (“very satisfied”)
Sheena Buva et al: (spine physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic USA): 97.6% were very satisfied or satisfied (83.7% of the patients were very satisfied) with their telemedicine appointment. 64.5% of the patients preferred telemedicine over in-person appointments
Sandeep Jumar et al: (orthopaedic clinic India): The overall satisfaction-rate to telemedicine was 92%, and only 7.2% of patients had difficulty in understanding or following telemedicine-based advice
Matthew T. Jones et al: (Rheumatology clinic United Kingdom): Overall, 150 (52%) and 69 (24%) responses indicated satisfaction with the telephone consultation by either agreeing or strongly agreeing, respectively. 60% would be happy to have future routine follow-up telephone consultations.
Lucinda Adams et al: (Rheumatology Clinic Australia): 61.7% agreed or strongly agreed when asked, ‘In general, I am satisfied with the telemedicine system’.

Your personal tool
By providing Trigo app for your patients, they can enjoy the benefits of personal support and timely professional intervention at the time they need it. By encouraging the patient to maintain compliance, you can help reduce the patient’s treatment burden or from the other perspective, avoid excessive treatment. At the same time, our technology allows you to optimize the service you provide by streamlining workflows and allowing you to focus your time where it is most needed. Dashboard alerts flag up the need for intervention and the Trigo Pro portal provides efficient tools to provide support without impacting on your schedule. Timely interventions can help prevent time-consuming phone calls or emails, as patients ask for help. Using Trigo app and the interface with Trigo Professional portal, these dialogues are timely and efficient.
The challenges are very different for physiotherapists, especially if you are contracted or you are a fully private practice:
Government contract
Many physiotherapists feel great work pressure. A large influx of patients creates considerable time pressure, and many patients have low compliance with their own activity. This means that more treatment sessions may be required than there is capacity to accommodate. With this pressure, working days may seem monotonous, and many physiotherapists may feel it is difficult to influence their own working day and focus on the professional desire to help patients. There is nothing to suggest that conditions will improve any time soon with populations ageing across Europe and demands upon healthcare systems increasing, if anything many more people will require physiotherapy.
Trigo understands physiotherapy because our heritage is physiotherapy; Trigo can help the physiotherapist to create a future-oriented business that can support a less stressful and more varied working day. Please contact us, we would love to discuss how Trigo can help you.
Private practice
Many private practises experience challenges filling their patient capacity yet as healthcare professionals, marketing and sales is often burdensome to the physiotherapist. Additionally, many physiotherapists follow the same business model as contracted physiotherapy, where the approach is based primarily on clinic-based physical treatment sessions. Trigo supports both clinic and tele-health appointments, but that’s not all; the core Trigo philosophy of supported self-care empowers patients to be more engaged with their own objectives and provides physiotherapists the tools to support that empowerment. Contact us and see how Trigo can shift the dial and offer your patients an innovative, engaging approach which places your focus on helping people and increasing patient satisfaction.
Trigo maintains the connection between physiotherapist and patient, the treatment is a relationship, not a transaction. Delivering treatment via the Trigo app offers the opportunity for the patient to keep Trigo in their pocket, not only does this extend the lifetime of your advice but also offers the patient greater value for their investment by retaining treatment history, supporting self-management and gaining a greater awareness of their condition.
As physiotherapist, you are in control. Trigo workflows alert you where your patients require a nudge or might be experiencing pain that puts them off their therapy; your TrigoPro dashboard will alert you and a quick adjustment can put them back on-track, even between appointments. Efficient intervention can lead to greater compliance and patient motivation and better outcomes. We are all familiar with the awkward weekly patient conversation about why they have not done their exercises but now with Trigo the support continues between sessions.
Should you wish, Trigo allows the physio to continue monitoring patient progress after the treatment plan is completed, perhaps via a maintenance programme. Many patients will feel strong benefit from physiotherapist support and reassurance in the immediate period after the treatment plan is over as they establish ongoing condition management; the knowledge that their physiotherapist is monitoring and supporting as they continue their journey completes the professional service.
Trigo provides an efficient platform to provide great physiotherapy. Contact us to see how we can help you shift the dial!

Trigo pro portal
We’ve made it easier for you, with just a few keystrokes you can
- Easily get an overview of what you can respond to. You choose when and how
- Choose between pre-set routines and make adjustments as needed
- Or create your own favorite routines and activities
- Provide knowledge articles so that your patients get a better understanding of what is the problem and what can be done
- Communicate via chat or video
- Give your patients a new appointment, you choose whether it should be physical or via video
- Get the patient’s subjective information about health and quality of life
- Have a secure communication and data processing in accordance with GDPR
Trigo for Physiotherapists

Ankle sprain
Date: 11/04/2021
Knee osteoarthritis
Date: 11/04/2021