Build a strong work culture
As an employer you will know that everyone benefits from a workplace where the environment is positive; where colleagues are healthy, motivated, and happy. Of course, this does not happen automatically, a strong positive culture evolves through hard work, fairness, and respect, but it is not achievable without the employer setting the tone, creating the conditions for success.
You can take a big step towards building a positive culture in your workplace by promoting positive health and wellness. Trigo provides a purpose-built platform centred around encouraging colleague engagement with one of the most significant causes of absence in the modern workplace, musculoskeletal health. Give us a call, we would love to discuss how Trigo can help you.

Employee Assisitance Programme
According to the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey, across Europe approximately three in every five workers report having a musculoskeletal disorder, with backache and upper limb pain being the most common. In Norway, up to 40% of total sick leave is due to musculoskeletal disorders, the single largest cause of sick leave. In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive found that this 40% figure is also experienced in the UK, amounting to a massive 9.5 million lost working days in the context of a total cost of sickness absence of £14.3bn. In addition, many employees will remain at work, but function less effectively due to acute or chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The financial impact is clear but these circumstances can also have a profound impact on physical and emotional wellbeing.
Early intervention or the provision of preventative initiatives can reduce sick leave and improve your workforce occupational health. Trigo supports and empowers colleagues to take an active role in their own musculoskeletal health and achieve greater awareness, control, and better outcomes; potentially preventing issues becoming acute or helping to manage chronic conditions or the natural consequences of ageing. The Trigo philosophy of supported self-care empowers colleagues, not only through improving understanding, but also providing appropriate maintenance routines and the option to reactivate previous routines to effectively manage relapse. Self-care is a powerful tool for colleagues to become more motivated and thrive and can reduce costs for the employer through reduced sick leave and employee productivity.
Through a physiotherapist from our network, employees can receive digital physiotherapy, combined with face-to-face consultations where necessary. The employer decides the framework, Trigo takes care of the implementation. After completing the physio-supported treatment period, the employees are transitioned into self-care, all delivered via the Trigo app. Give us a call, we would love to discuss how Trigo can help you.
Health and Safety Executive. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder Statistics (WRMSDs) in Great Britain 2014/15. London: Health and Safety Executive; 2015.
Employee benefits
Extend the Trigo philosophy of promoting self-care into an employee benefit. By providing this practical and engaging tool it will empower and encourage employees to become more aware of the importance of musculoskeletal health, provide tools for maintenance and perhaps even extend to positive self-management of minor or known ailments. Shifting the dial even a little on musculoskeletal health could have a profound effect on productivity and reduction of absence.
Your workforce simply download the Trigo app from their preferred app store and use your exclusive employer code at registration to get full access to Trigo content, which unlocks a greater understanding of musculoskeletal health and common conditions, along with potential solutions that they might wish to try. Trigo is with them all the way with Trigo app features such as Trigobot, progress updates, trackers and many other functions, including gamification for additional motivation.
As a responsible employer, you are making a positive step by offering opportunities to improve awareness and encourage health-beneficial behaviours, not only building on your reputation as a great employer but also potentially reducing absence or impaired productivity through musculoskeletal disorders, a more supported workforce that is better-equipped for the demands of their work and leisure.
Although Trigo encourages self-care, there are of course times when professional assessment is required and Trigo has this base covered too. A professional physiotherapist assessment can be requested directly in the app and our physiotherapists will set and deliver bespoke rehabilitation programmes to their Trigo app, with follow-up and support as required. These additional professional services can be employee funded, employer-funded or employer subsidised, based on the specific employer requirements.
Trigo for Employer

Posture and pain
Date: 18/01/2023
Preventing need for treatment and sick leave
Date: 10/10/2022